Monday, December 21, 2009

Tick sentiment Dec 21st..

-Closing swing long @ 1110, held from friday @ 1090.
- Done for the week..

Merry Xmas everyone...

+20 Es points ($1000 per contract)

Friday, December 18, 2009

- took out short,
- falling wedge formation taking place, Bullish it seems..
- Tick has remained quiet for the day.

- Long from 1090.75, stop now @1092
- target gap fill area from 2 days ago @1105

+10 ES points( $500/contract)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

- Initiated a short with the break of rising wedge..
- a break of S1 support will initiate a nice correction..
- today's lows taken out, so Lower Lows setting up..
- Eur/usd strength now up 500 pips on the week, that's huge, and looks like it could initiate a stock market correction.

- short @ 1105 , 2 point stop...
- target 1 - s1 @ 1101
- target 2 - s2 @ 1093..

+4 ES pts( $200/contract)

- Tick was strangely caught in a range, even with the last hour drop. It seemed to signaled a low participation in the decline , that was confirmed by the pop back into the 1105 area:

Monday, December 14, 2009

- today's day trade, was tick fade @ 1110 highs, supported by a divergence in stochiatics.
-closed position at the Vwap and 50 ema, 1107.5

+2.5 Es points ( $125/contract)

- flipped to go long at the Vwap @ 1107, price meandered in tight range for rest of day. I was hoping for a breakout of the range..

+2 ES points ( $100/contract)

Friday, December 11, 2009

- Dollar strengthened again,but markets didn't budge.
- so i looked for any extreme down ticks to fade..

- long @1097 to fade..
- taking profits now @1101.

+4 ES points( $200/contract)

- fading resistance and extreme tick, this time short @1100.75, stops @1102
- target 1098..
- Out.. scratch trade..

Thursday, December 10, 2009

- I decided to fade an +1000 tick. Still not comfortable with a long given dollar strength and gold weakness.
- This is a day trade, overall picture boards well with longs..

- short resistance @1100, stop highs 1102
- target 1095 area, previous close

+ 3 ES pts($150 per contract) profit @ 1096.5,

- long @1097 ,stops @ 1095
- target 1105, if we can break resitance 1100 (swing)
- closed out, failure of 1100..

0 es pts

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

$tick sentiment dec 9th

- Yesterday's lows held successfully. Notice the lack of agressive selling.
- Notice the aggressive buying with today's price drop.

- took some heat in Am, managed to re-enter again @1087 .
- Been a very tight ranged week, anything might happen here.
- closing position to average out. Not comfortable with dollar strength..

- 0 ES points

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Emini $Tick pressure Dec 4th

- Tick pressure to downside not aggressive enough, it seems sell volume is low.
- Notice morning sell of with red extreme tick was faded aggressively..
- dollar strength could be holding markets down.

- if it holds S2, right here and/or get an extreme down tick, look to fade.
- targeting the gap fill area of 1104..

Monday, December 7, 2009

-potential long if we can clear 1107.5 pivot..
- gold week, dollar strong, not ideal conditions for a long,but markets are resilient.

- going long @1106.5 with a tight stop @ 1105 todays lows.
- first Target resistance @1119..

- 0 ES points

Friday, December 4, 2009

- Still FLAT, markets in a range overall, no breakouts or breakdowns..
- Tick pressure to the downside this morning intense. Let's see if they start to fade for a long

- looking to go long here, after morning gap filled. Waiting for a price to reveal some type of a base..

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tick pressure Dec 3

- jobs data will move this thing big it seems.
- playing capital preservation here with indecisive market
- stopped out in overnite..

- however, longs still in play.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tick Pressure Dec 2..

- Seems 1112.25 did not hold on 1st attempt. Aggressive tick fade at the top
- Looks like they're not comfortable up there..

- looks like we're setting up for a short probably to the gap from yesterday @1096
- Im looking to fade any aggressive ticks, that might set up a LH.

-2 ES points (-$200 per contract)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

-Looks like a hive today, gap's been closed and trading above s2.
- Tick pressure to the upside strong with descent volume.
- Moved my stop to today's lows @1104.

- staying long but tightening stops, looking for blowoff through the tops of 1112.25.. I think we're overbought, i care less. The stops talk for me.
- alternatively take profits all together.

+21 ES points ($1050 per contract)